Sending ARCs for "The Visionary"!

Advanced Review Copy

ARCs are already possible! Here are the rules to get one.

– You explored the page and you are sure this is a book suited for your tastes.
– You want to read it and publish a review on any platform or your social media.
– You are a book reviewing influencer. Send me a link to socials and place where do you want to publish a review (does not need to be Amazon, but can be).
– Please don’t request physical copy if you are not sure about your decision. I have very limited budget for sending physical ARCs. If I get too many requests, I will be forced to choose who to send physical copy to.
– You do not plan to pirate the book.

Details about ARCs themselves:
– Physical copy will be an Amazon author copy I will buy and send to the adress you will provide. Please provide also information from which Amazon site you want it to be send from.
– From my experience: physical copy takes around 8 days to reach you.
– Ebook is an epub which I will send to you via kindle e-mail. You need to provide me such e-mail and make sure my mail ([email protected]) is in the Approved Personal Document Email List (see below).
– Books are in the final stage of completion, and I don’t plan any major changes in the future.

If you are interested, send me an email with all details to [email protected]

How to prepare for recieving ARC ebook

  1. Make sure your kindle is connected to Amazon account.
  2. Log in to Amazon of your area (for me it was for some reason, so be careful).
  3. Click “My account” in your options menu.

4. Slide down and find “devices”.

5. Click “preferences” tab.

6. Slide down to find both your kindle email address and a place to add email to Approved Personal Document Email List.

7. Add [email protected] to the list.
8. While writing mail to me, remember to provide me your kindle email address.
